9.3 FIR Audio VxV Review: Flagship invasion Paul Our Portable Audio Review Articles September 12, 2021 0FIR Audio VxV Review: Flagship invasion As apparent as it’s been, FIR Audio is one of the leading IEM brands...
8.8 Tin HiFi P2 Review: Going lavish Paul Our Portable Audio Review Articles September 11, 2021 0Tin HiFi P2 Review: Going lavish There are numerous brands available from the Chi-Fi market, yet only some of them...
9 NXEars Sonata Review: The unexpected Paul Our Portable Audio Review Articles September 9, 2021 0NXEars Sonata Review: The unexpected Numbers of new brands are flooding in but we know as a fact that most...
9.1 See Audio Yume Review: Reference affordably Paul Our Portable Audio Review Articles June 11, 2021 2See Audio Yume Review: Reference affordably Almost every new brand start small and grow up slowly. But of course, that...
9.5 FAudio Project Y Review: Mesmerized Paul Our Portable Audio Review Articles June 7, 2021 0FAudio Project Y Review: Mesmerized Have you heard about Faudio before? If you’re from Asia, then I would guess that...
9.4 Origami Audio Silver Review: True craftsmanship Paul Our Portable Audio Review Articles June 7, 2021 0Origami Audio Silver Review: True craftsmanship It is no surprise that Japan is one of the leading countries in the...
9.5 AZLA Crystal for AirPods Pro Review: Kinda Xelastec but everything easier Paul Our Portable Audio Review Articles April 26, 2021 0AZLA Crystal Review: Kinda Xelastec but everything easier It is no surprise to most audiophiles by now that eartips matter...
9.4 Nostalgia Audio Olorin Review: Naturally silver Paul Our Portable Audio Review Articles February 23, 2021 0Nostalgia Audio Olorin Review: Naturally silver Needless to say, there are small and large portable audio brands coming out every...
9.6 FIR M5 Review: First Class Paul Our Portable Audio Review Articles January 10, 2021 0FIR Audio M5 Review: First Class Everyone, it is time for us to take a trip down the rabbit hole....