PMG Audio Apx Review: Grand Auditorium

PMG Audio Apx Review: Grand Auditorium

It’s no surprise that if there are the cheapest, most-budget products in the market, there also must be the most high-end, expensive-st products. We’ve recently reviewed quite some affordable and budget-friendly IEMs such as BQEYZ Wind, Oriveti OD200, or IKKO OH2, though we’ve also been reviewing some super high-end ones that most people would have to double-check their eyes to make sure if they’ve seen the amount of numbers correctly. Today we’re reviewing PMG Audio’s first yet ultra-flagship earphone, the Apx (read as Apex). is priced at €6,000 which is equivalent to a little less than $6500 at today’s currency rate, and is limited to 25pcs worldwide. 





You might wonder what kind of a company would have the audacity to crash into the audiophile industry as a freshly-born brand and throw in a pair of earphones that charges more than $6k. I also might’ve laughed off and walked away if PMG Audio really was a “new” brand that had no background… yet they do. A reputed history that’s been continuing for over a decade so far.


Tah-dah. It’s Custom Art.

To be exact, PMG Audio is not exactly “a new company”. PMG Audio is a new branch of a brand that sprouted above Custom Art, the well-established Polish custom in-ear company that’s been running in business since 2012. The name PMG came from the letter initials of the Custom Art owner himself, Piotr Marek Granicki, and has set PMG Audio to be a brand that stretches beyond Custom Art’s usual products, specializing in ultra premium in-ears since 2023. To start off PMG Audio’s risky yet brave journey, their first earphone product was born, called the Apx.  


Custom Art Harmony 8.2, is still one of my favorites.

As a very happy owner of Custom Art’s old flagship CIEM Harmony 8.2, I was sure that Custom Art has made something far more significant that could justify the existence of PMG Audio as well as the price of the Apx IEM. Well, I decided to grab these and to listen, to know the answers to all the curiosities I had. Let’s find out together then.



The Packaging / Accessories

The Apx comes with a black wooden box with a PMG Audio logo engraved with gold fonts at the bottom side of the lid. Opening the box reveals a certificate that also serves as proof of purchase for the Apx, and with that put aside, finally reveals the included materials. PMG offers 2 years of warranty of non-man-made damage to the Apx.


Other than the Apx earphones, PMG offers a metal carrying case, a larger storage case that has a hard leather texture with soft padding inside for you to store various stuff including the earphones. The inner side of the large storage case also has mesh partitions for separating the materials you would throw inside. Apx also comes with a premium stock cable with modular plugs, 3 pairs of silicone tips, 3 pairs of foam tips, and a leather strap.


Next Page: Earpiece Specs / How it’s designed?